Smoke and flames billowed from the Twin Towers. A wing of the Pentagon collapsed and burned. A hijacked plane full of passengers circled through the Pennsylvania countryside, heading towards who knows what disaster. Thousands of people were dead or dying, and thousands more ran in horror, not knowing what had happened or who was responsible.
This highly coordinated, explicitly planned terrorist act stunned the American people, and made each and every inhabitant worry about his own safety and the safety of loved ones. Who was behind these acts of terrorism and cowardice? Who could do such a terrible thing? Who could plan and carry out such barbaric, such evil, such mind boggling and horror-filled acts?
And why? What could the motivating force be? What beliefs must these people have to be able to justify such violence? Who could murder thousands of innocent men, women and children and be proud of such an act? What sick, low, ungodly morals do these people have? How do they view the sanctity of life, how do they love, how do they live? How can they be so perverted, so vile, so primitive? In the name of who or what could they possibly perform these horrible actions?
And how could these terrorists, and others like them, be stopped from committing such horrible acts in the future?
The terrorists had been identified as having connections to the Bin Laden terrorist group, a fanatical Muslim faction obsessed with harming and destroying the “Infidels,” notably the United States. As part of their holy war against all that is not Islam, the Muslims had sworn to defeat the evil empire. Suicide “kamikaze” pilots and suicide bombers were praised and told they would be rewarded for their brave service by a grateful god, who would be smiling on them as they killed others and died for their god and their people.
This was not the first, nor will it be the last time, that some religious fanatic had died and killed others for the glory of their god. Yes, Muslims have a long history of dying and killing for their religion. But so have Catholics and Protestants and Hindus and Buddhists and a thousand other religions.
How sick, how pathetic, how deplorable is any religion that has as one of its basic tenets the death and destruction of fellow human beings! If there is a god, surely he is not one who would have his people murder his brothers and sisters, destroy his cities, and bring hate and criminal behavior to his front door. If there is a god behind any of this hideous behavior, then that god is not fit to be a god or to be praised and revered by any person with a shred of decency and humanity in his soul.
What many people forget is the fact that all organized religions with gods worshipped by man are religions created by man. There is no evil, vengeful, hateful, all-powerful being who is urging his minions to go kill and plunder for him. There never has been. From the Crusades to the Inquisition to the Holocaust to ethnic cleansings, man has been in charge of these atrocious acts, not some god. Yes, man has used the imagined god, the made up god, the all-powerful god, the omnipresent god, the wonderful, glorious god, the Lord our master, god almighty for his own vile purposes, but their never has been a god who would do or condone these terrible things.
Man has exploited the weakness of man, who as a whole seems to desire, to need - to be addicted to - having some all powerful being to worship and believe in. Man has a need to be told what to believe, to follow others who supposedly have more knowledge and power and insight than they do - the priests, the kings, the ayatollahs, the rabbis, and so on. And rulers of this world and worlds past have known this, and have used this weakness to their advantage.
Therefore, in their quest to become leaders and rulers, to gain power and prestige, man has invented gods. He has placed himself in a position to be his god’s spokesman and intermediary, and has made up the rules of religion to best suit him. From almsgivings and tithing to adoration to submission to blind faith, man has used religion for personal gain, bringing fortunes and empires his way.
In no small way, religion is responsible for the tragic events of 911. Men sent on a mission for god, serving their god and their religion to bring about their religious truth to the world, have killed and terrorized their fellow man on the pretext that this is what their god wants. You and I know there is something sick and terribly wrong with this type of thinking.
Religion is, and has always been, a precursor and a cause of violence, death, and corruption. Religion takes away man’s capacity to think and reason, and replaces his thinking ability with the dictates of those he follows. Whether it be the Islam or Catholic faith, or followers of Jim Jones, David Koresch or Charles Manson, when men and women choose not to think, they lose their ability to use good judgment, to be critical thinkers, to choose what is good and right and just.
They replace these abilities with the submissive behavior of following their leaders’ dictates. Dictates range from bowing your head, coming to church, wearing a veil, giving your tithes, leaving your loved ones, following your religious leaders without question, and all the way through hijacking a plane and flying it into a building to kill thousands of innocent people.
Bin Laden’s group had issued a statement that said it was the duty of all Muslims to kill U. S. citizens or military and their allies everywhere. In the name of religion, this hideous act was carried out by Muslim fanatics who were told it was their religious “duty” to sacrifice their lives and kill innocent people.
These suicide bombers did not think through their actions. They did not consider right and wrong. They did not consider what was just, what was fair, or what was humane. They simply forfeited their right to think and act for themselves, and did as they were told. They were being good Muslims, puppets of Islam, pleasing Allah. Though their earthly existence has ended, they believed Allah would reward their “heroic” actions in the afterlife.
What do you expect from people whose holy book, the Koran, includes these statements:
Lord, make us submissive to You; make of our descendants a nation that will submit to You …”
Koran 2:95-96
Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate. Koran 9: 73
On that day the unbelievers shall be sternly thrown into the fire of Hell … But in fair gardens the righteous shall dwell in bliss, rejoicing in what their Lord will give them. Their Lord will shield them from the scourge of Hell. He will say: Eat and drink to your heart’s content. This is the reward of your labours.
They shall recline on couches ranged in rows. To dark-eyed houris [virgin girls] We shall wed them … Fruit We shall give them, and such meats as they desire. They will pass from hand to hand a cup inspiring no idle talk, no sinful urge; and there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls. Koran 52: 13 - 24
This book is not to be doubted… As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. God has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them. Koran 2: 2 - 6
As Zach was aware, the Bible and other holy writings also tell us of gods who are vengeful, jealous, petty, hateful, and murderous. So the Koran is certainly not alone in advocating violence and vengeance on unbelievers.
Many people will say, but of course, the Muslim religion is not the true religion of god. My religion is the true religion (whether it be Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, Buddhist, or whatever). But we must remember that all of these religions were created by man. For example, let’s look at some of the less than peaceful portions of the Bible telling us of a loving, caring God.
How about the loving God destroying the earth by flood, drowning all of his children and creatures except for those he allowed to survive on the Ark? How about the loving God who killed all the firstborn children and beasts of Egypt? How about the loving God who had Moses kill and pillage and rape whole cities? Or maybe you are talking about the loving God who helped Joshua crash down the walls of Jericho and savagely kill and destroy all the men, women, children and beasts of the city? Gee, this loving God is so much wiser and kinder and loving than the God of the Koran.
Many religions purposely create a God who will punish and torture and kill those who do not submit and believe. This hateful, vengeful God is a pretty good motivator for ensuring people do submit and believe – or else. For the same reason, religions often paint a horrible picture of hell and fire and Satan – again, believe in our god or you will spend eternity in hell. Another great motivator. And then, of course, there is the wonderful depiction of heaven with angels and puffy white clouds and harp music, where – if you believe – you can spend eternity with all of God’s children. You got it – another motivational tool.
The bottom line is that religions must have some methods to control people, and through the years they have learned what generally works and what doesn’t. And when something works, it really works! Again and again and again.
But, you may ask, if men and women did not follow some established religion, what would happen to the world? How would man live in harmony, how would people love each other and help each other? How can a society be civil and kind and just without organized religions?
(You mean, like the civil and kind and just world where religious fanatics fly airplanes into buildings, where followers walk into a crowded area and blow themselves and everyone around them to smithereens? A society where men, women and children are poisoned as they commit a mass “suicide?” Or do you mean the society where women are burned at the stake for being witches, or where soldiers slay their brethren in their support of the true god and the kings and queens who have been selected by divine right? Or maybe the society that kills and tortures people by the millions because they are heretics, having the gall to speak out against the beliefs and teachings of the church? Or are you talking about the civil and kind and just religions that convince the poor widow that god will smile at her and be ever thankful as the priest reaches into her pockets to steal her wealth? Or the world with extortion rackets where people turn over 10% of their earnings so they can be “obedient to God” and avoid eternal damnation? These are the societies that have brainwashed their people into believing self-serving religions, and they are not civil and kind and just.)
No, indeed. It is wrong for man to worship and praise and idolize a false religion invented and perpetrated by man. No, men and women of the earth should have more noble intentions than mimicking and blindly following the teachings of our beloved clergy. People should live their lives by what is right, what is just, what is humane, and what is in the best interest of mankind, not by what is in the best interest of a few selected men and women.
We cannot be a civilized society if we pray and idolize gods created by man. We cannot submit to false gods, false entities and untrue statements. Yes, we should love our neighbor. Yes, we should join with our fellow men and women in working toward the common good. And yes, we should be kind and caring and loving. But we should be all these things because they are the right things to do.
We should not do these things because man is afraid of the Bible’s God or Allah of the Koran or one of man’s other invented gods. We should not bow before Jesus or Mohammed or Krishna or any other made up god. We must not condemn or ostracize others because they do not believe as we do. We cannot mislead others. We cannot numb their minds and destroy their ability to think and make good choices. We must not hate or kill in the name of any god.
We must know what is right because it is right, and we must do what we know is right.
Specifically, we should all make a commitment to each other to:
· Be kind and caring and loving towards our fellow man
· Be responsible for our own well-being, providing safety and shelter to ourselves and our family
· Contribute something of value to society
· Take care of our little corner of the world
· Help our neighbors and community
· Not physically or mentally harm others
· Follow the rules and laws of our society
· Settle disputes peacefully and justly
These are very simple rules to live by. If followed, they would truly make man’s life heaven on earth. The challenge to you and me as co-inhabitants of this earth is to commit to these covenants, agreed upon by thinking, intelligent, caring, loving people.
We are good, we are worthy, but not because we bow before some god and his spokespeople. We are good because of our innate goodness, because of our knowledge and intelligence and conscience. We are good because parents and friends and neighbors have loved us, taught us, and learned with us. We are good because we see the strength and the power in living the truth, and standing up to the tyranny of the false.
We must end the notion that god has blessed certain individuals to be his chosen spokesmen. We must realize that any person, any scripture, any religion, any anybody who advocates intolerance and violence against any member of civilization is wrong and must not be allowed to spread his plague of hatred. We must be honest and forthright and not tell others that if they submit to us, if they give us their money, if they forfeit their right to think, if they become mindless robots, then god will smile upon them and allow them entry into heaven and eternal life, safe from the fiery flames of hell.
We should all live by true truths.
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